Superb Tent Holds the Employees’ Forum | Company News | Superb Tent Manufacturer | tent | china tent | China Professional Tent Manufacturer | Superb® Tent  

Superb Tent Holds the Employees’ Forum

In order to know, grasp and collect the opinions and suggestions of the staff at the basic level on all aspects of the management of the company and to answer the company’s principles and policies, Superb Tent had hold The Employees’ Forum in the sport tent from 16:00 p.m. to 17:00 p.m. on June 17, 2019. The general manager of the company Mr. Zhen, Mr. Mai, Mr. Huang, Mr. Zhou, Ms. Liu (Vice President of Foreign Trade) and staff representatives from various departments participated in the meeting.

Through this forum, employees put forward feelings about all aspects of the company’s operation and management, and better found out the existing problems and improvement directions.Create more professional and better tents.